How To Build A Great Relationship

Read the Ex Factor Guide and you will discover amazing facts. A relationship made in heaven is very hard to find. This is because every relationship involves two people with different temperaments and character traits. It, therefore, follows that the two people in question must have conflicts and disagreements occasionally. Making the relationship work is all about compromise, negotiation and a deliberate effort to make the relationship work. Below are some great ways to make your relationship stand the test of time right here.

One thing that causes friction in every relationship is improper communication. Make a conscious effort to keep communication lines open and always discuss any issues that may lead to a disagreement. In addition, it pays to have respect for the opinions of the other person. In cases where you do not agree with your partner on a particular matter, state your own position clearly and try to reason with the other party.

Avoid Interference
Your relationship with your partner is a private affair. Now, there are many unpaid advisers out there and some of them may have good intentions. However, you should remember that many relationships have been destroyed by well-meaning outsiders who had good intentions. The point here is that your relationship is not for public consumption. Keep private matters private and resolve your differences without involving a third party.

Do Not Compare
Do not get into the habit of comparing your partner to other people. There is no profit in this type of unfair comparison because it will only make the other person resentful. If you have noticed any shortcomings in your partner, point them out in a gentle manner. Better still, do not point out these shortcomings but find a way to put the message across without making it look like an inquisition. Unfair criticism always leads to defiance and this is something you should try to avoid.

Be Kind and Generous
Empathy does not ever go out of style. Before you take any strong measures against your partner, put yourself in the partner’s position and try to figure out how you will react if circumstances were reversed. Again, you should watch your language. It is very easy to use harsh words on your partner but the results may be devastating. Just develop an attitude of kindness and generosity to your partner. Apply this to your words and action and your relationship will be a whole lot better.

Work on Your Relationship
Every relationship is a journey and not a destination. Make the effort, work on your relationship and it will get better with time.

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