Using A Diaper Bag Backpack
Benefits of Using a Diaper Bag Backpack
Every new parent needs the means to carry supplies wherever he or she goes with his/her new baby. It is the primary reason why so many expectant mothers register for a diaper bag of some sort. If you are at that point in your pregnancy with your first child and you are making a baby registry for gifts, consider registering for a diaper bag backpack. Here are the benefits of choosing and using this type of diaper bag over most others:
It’s More Comfortable and Easier to Carry Than Other Diaper Bags
A lot of other diaper bags are one-shoulder strap or just carry handle-totes. These can be particularly cumbersome and difficult to carry when you have a baby on one arm or hip and a car seat or portable stroller in the other. The typical bag just keeps falling off your shoulder or you don’t have enough grip between the handles and the other baby necessities you are carrying. With a diaper backpack, the backpack is securely on your back and over both shoulders. It can’t slip off at inopportune times or make carrying other necessities complicated.
You Can Stuff a Lot Inside
Like a regular backpack, a backpack diaper bag can hold a lot of stuff. You can put at least eight diapers in it, three changes of clothing, an extra blanket and an extra burp rag, plus a “pacie” and a couple of bottles for formula or breast milk while traveling. On top of that, you can add a few things you need as an adult, like your wallet, phone, keys, etc..
It Counts as Your One Personal Item to Carry on the Plane
Traveling with infants isn’t recommended because these little ones can’t un-pop the air pressure in their ears at take-off and landing and will cry without ceasing. However, if you are going to fly anyway, the diaper bag/backpack counts as your one personal item you can carry on in addition to your carry-on luggage. That’s good news for both you and your baby because you can put your own extra personal items in the same bag with the baby items you need to make it through the trip.
It’s Perfect for the Family That Hikes Together
If you loved hiking together before the baby came along, you can do it again with your baby. Put the baby in a carrier or sling strapped to your chest and use the diaper backpack to carry all of your needed baby supplies while hiking. One parent carries the baby while the other carries the backpack as you hike. The best part is that you can trade off along the hike and nobody is carrying double the weighted burden on the hike. Responsibility is shared. It also works for families that bike together, although you might want to put your baby in a bike trailer instead of a front sling or pack for obvious safety reasons.
When You Are Done Using It as a Diaper Bag, You Can Use It as a Regular Backpack
There is little difference between these diaper bag backpacks and regular backpacks. In some of the diaper bag varieties there may be waterproof pockets or thermal pockets for keeping formula or breast milk at an ideal temperature. However, that shouldn’t stop you from using it as a standard backpack after your baby doesn’t need you to carry a ton of stuff for his/her care. It doesn’t require you to do anything special to convert it over to a regular backpack for use either.